Location Airport

Facts about Klagenfurt Airport


  • 1 x asphalt runway 10/28
    2.720 m x 45 m
    Load capacity: PCN 62 F/A/W/T
    Area: ca. 188.000 m² incl. taxiways
    Precision approach system: ILS CAT II/III
  • 1 x grass runway 10/28
    710 x 25 m
    Load capacity: AUW 2000 kg


Terminal building:

built-up area: 5.750 m², length 225m

Fire department

Safety is essential and paramount at airports. The airport fire department is largely responsible for safety at the site. Tasks include aircraft fire protection, building fire protection, technical assistance, fire safety watches and support for the medical service. There are agreements between Kärntner Flughafen Betriebs GmbH and the professional fire department of the city of Klagenfurt, the provincial fire department association, as well as the Red Cross concerning the guarantee of rapid and effective deployment in emergencies.

Firefighting category 7

The operational fire department at Klagenfurt Airport is well equipped and has an extensive fleet of fire-fighting vehicles and airport fire engines with tank capacities of up to 10,000 liters.

If necessary, the firefighting category can be raised with some advance notice:
Raising the firefighting category to Cat 8: 24 hours advance notice in each case

Aircraft noise measurement

Current sound readings from Klagenfurt Airport

Total areas airport

Total area::

220 ha (of which approximately 140 ha is green space)

Area: 70.000 m²

Parking positions:

  • 7 medium range aircraft
  • 6 GAC parking positions
  • Further aircraft parking positions on request