Barrier-free travel

Assistance services at the Klagenfurt Airport

Before the flight

For any questions before your departure, please contact the airline in charge. We kindly ask you to make known any wishes you may have when booking your flight ticket:

Austrian Airlines:
+43 5 1766 1000

Special assistance services


To the airport and back

Reserved parking spaces are available in front of the main entrance for boarding and disembarking. The distance from there to the departure building is about 5 meters. Upon request, Klagenfurt Airport will be happy to provide you with a wheelchair free of charge. Free luggage carts are available for transporting your luggage to check-in.

At the airport

Restrooms and washrooms are located in the arrivals area of the terminal building and in the foyer of the air traffic control building.

Public telephones are located in front of the arrivals area,

To the plane and back

A bus will take you to the plane and back. Airport staff will be available to provide assistance. Please make this request already known when booking the flight ticket.

Web Check-In Service

Save yourself the queues at the airport and check in conveniently online. AUSTRIAN offers this service of course. Please inform yourself on the respective homepage. The lack of online check-in may result in check-in fees being charged at the airport. Please check with your airline.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our airport information team at any time between 10:00 and 16:00 on +43 463 41500-0!